Dr. Jim Hanson is a full-time small animal veterinarian seeing appointments in both our Cresco and Harmony clinics. He grew up in S.W. Minnesota on a small farm with a variety of livestock, horses, cats and dogs. He received his Bachelor’s Degrees in Biology and Chemistry from Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall, MN in 1989; and his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from the University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine in 1993.
He has worked in veterinary practices in Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Texas. He served an 18-month Term Position with the USDA-APHIS Veterinary Services, and was the Resident Veterinarian and Lead Instructor at a Veterinary Technician College for three years. His professional career includes working with cats, dogs, cattle, pigs, horses, commercial turkey farms, and farmed elk, deer, and bison. Dr. Hanson is also pursuing a Masters of Public Health from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health.